Welcome to Animus Physique!

Animus Physique is owned and operated by Animus Physique Ltd. 
Animus Physique values your privacy and the protection of your personal data. This privacy policy describes what information we collect from you, how we collect it, how we use it, how we obtain your consent, how long we retain it in our databases and, if necessary, with whom we share it.

By visiting the Website and purchasing products, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. Your use of the website and purchase of the products are also subject to our Terms and Conditions.

This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Your continued use of the website after we make changes is deemed acceptance of those changes, so please check the policy periodically for updates. This Privacy Policy has been prepared and is maintained in accordance with all applicable federal and international laws and regulations and, in particular, the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK regulations) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation - European regulations).




The personal data of users that are collected and processed through the website:

Will be under responsibility and in charge of:

(Hereinafter referred to as “Animus Physique”).



The information we collect from our users and customers helps us to deliver our products effectively and to personalise and continually improve the user experience on the website. These are the types of information we collect:

Information You Give Us. You provide information when you search, read and view content, register as a user, purchase products and/or communicate with us through our contact information or through our contact forms. As a result of these actions, you may provide us with the following information:

  • Name and surname
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number (including WhatsApp number)
  • Address (for delivery purposes)
  • IP address
  • Payment information
  • Any additional information relating to you that you provide to us directly through our website or indirectly through our website or online presence, such as "cookies".

Animus Physique will not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless you provide it.

Information Collected Automatically: By accessing and using the website, you automatically provide us with the following information:

  • The device and usage information you use to access the website
  • Your IP address
  • Browser and device characteristics
  • Operating system
  • Referring URLs
  • Your location
  • What parts of the website you use and how often

If you access the website through a mobile phone, we will collect the following information:

  • Mobile device ID
  • Model and manufacturer
  • Operating system
  • Version information
  • IP address

Payment information: Your credit/debit or payment card details will be processed by PayPal, G Pay, Apple Pay and Shop Pay (payment platforms available on the website), which will process and store your data securely and for the sole purpose of processing the purchase of the products. Animus Physique reserves the right to contract any payment platform available on the market, which processes your data for the exclusive purpose of processing the purchase of the products.

View the privacy policy of PayPal, G Pay, Apple Pay and Shop Pay here:

GOOGLE Analytics. We use Google Analytics provided by Google, Inc. of the United States ("Google"). These tools and technologies collect and analyse certain types of information, such as IP addresses, device and software identifiers, referring and exit URLs, feature usage metrics and statistics, usage and purchase history, media access control address (MAC address), unique mobile device identifiers and other similar information through the use of cookies. The information generated by Google Analytics (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. We use GOOGLE Analytics data collection to improve the website and our service.

See Google's privacy policy here:

Facebook Pixel: Our website uses the Facebook Pixel. Through the Facebook Pixel we can collect user information for different purposes. We use the Facebook Pixel for the following purposes:

  • Collect statistics about our website (for example, the number of users who visited a page).
  • Collect information about how you interact with our website (for example, whether you have opened or followed links on our website).
  • Personalise online services and marketing communications.
  • Tailor advertisements to users and optimise advertising campaigns.

The information collected through the Facebook pixel will be collected and stored by Facebook and will be treated in accordance with its privacy policy. The information we collect through the Facebook pixel does not personally identify the user and will never be used for purposes other than those contained in this privacy policy and Facebook's privacy policy.

Please consult Facebook's privacy policy here:

Social Media: On our website you will find links and functions linked to different social networks, where you can share your information.

It is advisable to consult the privacy and data protection policy of each social network used on our website.

Pinterest: https://policy.pinterest.com/en/privacy-policy



Personal data provided by users and customers through the website shall be retained for the time necessary for the supply of the products. Animus Physique may retain personal data for a longer period provided that the user has given consent to such processing, as long as such consent is not withdrawn. In addition, Animus Physique may be obliged to retain personal data for a longer period if this is necessary in order to comply with a legal obligation or by order of an authority. Once the retention period has expired, the personal data will be deleted. Therefore, the right of access, the right of deletion, the right of rectification and the right to data portability cannot be asserted after the retention period has expired.



In general, we use the information we collect primarily to provide, maintain, protect and improve our website and our current products. We use the personal information collected through our website as described below and elsewhere in this Policy to:

  • Identify you as a user in our system.
    • User registration.
    • Process payments.
    • Deliver products.
    • Handling returns and refunds.
    • Improve our products, our website and the way we operate.
    • Understand and improve your experience of using our website and products.
    • Respond to your comments or questions through our support team.
    • Send you related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts and administrative and support messages.
    • Communicate with you about upcoming events, offers and news about products and services offered by Animus Physique and our selected partners.
    • Animus Physique marketing purposes.
    • To link or combine your information with other information we obtain from third parties to help us understand your needs and provide you with a better service.
    • To protect, investigate and deter fraudulent, unauthorised or illegal activities.



By placing an order, communicating with us via contact forms or our contact information, accepting the use of cookies by our website and providing us with personal information to communicate with you, you consent to our collection, storage and use of your information on the terms contained in this privacy policy. You consent to the use of cookies on our website when you give your consent via the pop-up window that appears on the home page when you enter the website. You can withdraw your consent by sending us your request via the contact information or the contact page.



The personal information of our customers and users is an important and fundamental part of our business. Under no circumstances will we sell or share information with third parties that has not been previously authorised by the user, customer or owner of the personal data. We share user and customer information only and exclusively as described below.

Third Party Service Providers. We use third party services to perform certain functions on our behalf and through our website and services. Examples include processing payments (PayPal, G Pay, Apple Pay and Shop Pay), building the platform and hosting the website (Shopify), delivering products (shipping companies), sending emails, analysing data (Google Analytics), creating ads (Facebook, Google), providing marketing assistance and delivering search results.

These third-party services and tools may have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use that information for other purposes. Information shared with these third-party services will be treated and stored in accordance with their respective privacy policies and our privacy policy.

Transfer of Business. In the event that Animus Physique creates, merges with, or is acquired by another entity, your information will likely be transferred. Animus Physique will send you an e-mail or post a prominent notice on our website before your information becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Protection of Animus Physique and Others. We release personal information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions and other agreements, or protect the rights, property, or safety of Animus Physique, our users, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

With your consent. Other than as set forth above, you will receive notice when personally identifiable information about you may go to third parties, and you will have the opportunity to choose not to share the information.

Anonymous Information. Animus Physique uses anonymous browsing information collected automatically by our servers primarily to help us administer and improve the website. We may also use aggregated anonymous information to provide information about the website to prospective business partners and other unaffiliated entities. This information is not personally identifiable.

E-mail address. The e-mail address you provide to receive e-mail communications from us will never be rented or sold to third parties.



We work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input. If transactions are processed on the website, transaction information is transmitted to and from the website in encrypted form using industry-standard SSL connections to help protect such information from interception. We restrict authorised access to your personal information to those persons who have a legitimate purpose in knowing that information to provide products or services to you and to those persons you have authorised to have access to that information.

Animus Physique follows generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once Animus Physique receives it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, while Animus Physique strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.



Users who provide information through our website, as data subjects, have the right to access, rectify, download or delete their information, as well as to restrict and object to certain processing of their information. While some of these rights apply generally, others apply only in certain limited circumstances. These rights are described below:

  • Access and portability: to access and know what information is stored on our servers, you can send us your request through our contact information.
  • Rectification, restriction, limitation and deletion: You may also rectify, restrict, limit or delete much of your information.
  • Right to be informed: Users of our website will be informed, upon request, about what data we collect, how it is used, how long it is kept and whether it is shared with third parties.
  • Objection: Where we process your data on the basis of our legitimate interests, as explained above, or in the public interest, you may object to this processing in certain circumstances. In such cases, we will stop processing your information unless we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue processing it or where it is necessary for legal reasons.
  • Withdraw consent: Where you have previously given your consent, for example to allow us to process and store your personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing and storage of your information at any time. For example, you can withdraw your consent by updating your settings. In certain cases, we may continue to process your information after you have withdrawn your consent if we have a lawful basis for doing so or if your withdrawal of consent was limited to certain processing activities.
  • Complaint: If you wish to complain about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), you have the right to complain to your local supervisory authority. Users can exercise all of these rights by contacting us via the contact information or the contact page.
  • Rights related to automated decision-making, including profiling: website users may request that we provide them with a copy of the automated processing activities we carry out if they believe that data is being unlawfully processed.

Users or owners of the personal data they provide through the website can exercise these rights over their personal data at any time and without limitation by sending us their request through our contact information.



We comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK regulations) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation - European regulations), regarding the protection of children's personal data. Although the website and products are available to all ages, we do not collect any information from children under the age of 13 without the respective permission of their parents or legal guardians. If you are aware that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with personal information without the permission of a parent or legal guardian, please contact us. If we become aware that a minor has provided us with personal information without the permission of a parent or legal guardian, we will take steps to delete that information, terminate that person's account, and restrict access to that person's account.



If you believe that any information, we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect. You can change, modify, correct and delete your information at any time, please contact us using the contact information. To stop receiving emails from Animus Physique, please follow the instructions included in the email. Your request should be processed within 48 hours.



Except as otherwise expressly included in this Privacy Policy, this document addresses only the use and disclosure of information that Animus Physique collects from you. If you disclose your information to others, whether other Animus Physique users or vendors, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the information you disclose to them. Animus Physique does not control the privacy policies of third parties, and you are subject to the privacy policies of those third parties where applicable. Animus Physique is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of other web sites on the Internet, including those linked to or from the Animus Physique site. Animus Physique encourages you to ask questions before disclosing your personal information to others.



If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy and the processing and security of your data, please contact us via our contact page or by using the contact information below:

Animus Physique.




Welcome to Animus Physique!

Animus Physique is owned and operated by Animus Physique Ltd.

This Cookie Policy explains how and why cookies and other similar technologies may be stored on and accessed from your device when you use or visit:

(Hereinafter referred to as “Animus Physique”).

The information collected through cookies will be under responsibility and in charge of:

  • Animus Physique Ltd.
  • animusphysique@outlook.com

This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.

By using the website, you accept the use of cookies by Animus Physique, in the terms contained in this policy.



Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They allow the website to recognise your device and remember if you have been to the website before.

Cookies are a very common web technology; most websites use cookies and have done so for years. Cookies are widely used to make the website work more efficiently.

Cookies are used to measure which parts of the website users visit and to personalise their experience. Cookies also provide information that helps us to monitor and improve the performance of the website.



If you do not want cookies to be placed on your device, you can adjust your internet browser settings to refuse the setting of all or some cookies and to alert you when a cookie is placed on your device. For more information on how to do this, please refer to the "help", "tool" or "edit" section of your browser. Please note that if you use your browser settings to block all Cookies, including those that are strictly necessary, you may not be able to access or use all or part of the functionality of Animus Physique.

If you wish to delete previously stored Cookies, you can delete them manually at any time. However, this will not prevent Animus Physique from placing further Cookies on your device unless and until you adjust your Internet browser settings as described above.

We provide you with links to manage and block cookies depending on the browser you use:



We use cookies to improve the performance of our website and to personalise your online experience of Animus Physique. Cookies help us collect information about how users use our website and which pages they visit. They allow us to monitor the number of visitors and analyse website usage patterns and trends. We collect this information anonymously, so it does not identify anyone as an individual and no personal information is stored in our Cookies. We always use cookie data responsibly.



Third-party cookies may come from partners or third-party companies that provide functional web services or tools for our website and the optimal functioning and operation of our services. We use third party cookies responsibly and for the sole purpose of providing optimal operation of the platform and services. You can opt out of these cookies by following the information on cookie deletion contained in this document or in the technical information of the browser from which you access our website and services.

By using our website, you (the visitor) agree to allow third parties to process your IP address, in order to determine your location for the purpose of currency conversion. You also agree to have that currency stored in a session cookie in your browser (a temporary cookie which gets automatically removed when you close your browser). We do this in order for the selected currency to remain selected and consistent when browsing our website so that the prices can convert to your (the visitor) local currency.



Session cookies are used to log in to the website with their respective credentials and password. Session cookies are also used to keep users logged in. Session cookies are temporary and are deleted from your device or browser when you log out and close your browser. We use session cookies to keep your session open when using our services and to identify you on our system each time you log on to the website.



These cookies allow you to share our website and click "Like" on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Google, etc. They also allow you to interact with content on each platform. The way these cookies are used and the information collected is governed by the privacy policy of each social platform.



We use the following cookies on our website:










This cookie is set by Facebook to display advertisements when either on Facebook or on a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising, after visiting the website.

3 months




Shopify installs this cookie to track landing pages.

14 days




This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

1 year




This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

30 minutes




This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

1 year




This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite.

30 minutes




This is a Shopify analytics cookie relating to marketing and referrals.

30 minutes




This is a Shopify analytics cookie relating to marketing and referrals.

30 minutes




Flickr sets this cookie to to track usage of photo galleries embedded from Flickr.

14 days




Shopify sets this cookie to be used in connection with customer login.

1 year




Shopify sets this cookie to remember the user’s country of origin and populate the correct transaction currency.

14 days




Shopify sets this cookie to be used in connection with shopping cart.

14 days




Shopify sets this cookie to enable secure online payment and checkout.

1 hour




Shopify sets this cookie to enable secure checkout and payment function on the website.





No description





Our cookies are used for the following purposes:

Strictly necessary: These Cookies are essential for Animus Physique to perform its basic functions.

Security: We use these Cookies to help identify and prevent potential security risks.

Analytics and performance: Performance Cookies collect information about how users interact with our website, including the most visited pages, as well as other analytical data. We use this data to improve how our website works and to understand how users interact with it.

Advertising: These cookies are used to show relevant advertising to visitors who use our services or visit the website we host or provide, and to understand and report on the effectiveness of advertisements served on our website. They track details such as the number of unique visitors, the number of times certain advertisements have been shown and the number of clicks the advertisements have received. They are also used to create user profiles, including showing you adverts based on the products you have viewed on our website. These are set up by Animus Physique and trusted third party networks and are generally persistent in nature.

GOOGLE Analytics. We use Google Analytics provided by Google, Inc. of the United States ("Google"). These tools and technologies collect and analyse certain types of information, such as IP addresses, device and software identifiers, referring and exit URLs, feature usage metrics and statistics, usage and purchase history, media access control address (MAC address), unique mobile device identifiers, and other similar information through the use of cookies. The information generated by Google Analytics (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. We use GOOGLE Analytics data collection to improve the website and platform and improve our service.



If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookie Policy and the processing and security of your data, please contact us via our contact page or via the contact information below:

Animus Physique.
